Configuration module config

See also Default options in keyoscacquire.config.

Default options for keyoscacquire

keyoscacquire.config._acq_type = 'HRESolution'

{HRESolution, NORMal, AVER<m>} where <m> is the number of averages in range [2, 65536]

keyoscacquire.config._ch_nums = 'active'

list of chars, e.g. [‘1’, ‘3’], or ‘active’ to capture all currently displayed channels

keyoscacquire.config._export_png = True

export png of plot of obtained trace

keyoscacquire.config._file_delimiter = ' n'

delimiter used between _filename and filenumber (before _filetype)

keyoscacquire.config._filename = 'data'

default base filename of all traces and pngs exported, a number is appended to the base

keyoscacquire.config._filetype = '.csv'

filetype of exported data, can also be txt/dat etc.

keyoscacquire.config._num_avg = 2

default number of averages used if only AVER is given as acquisition type

keyoscacquire.config._show_plot = False

show each plot when generated (program pauses until it is closed)

keyoscacquire.config._timeout = 15000

ms timeout for the instrument connection

keyoscacquire.config._visa_address = 'USB0::1234::1234::MY1234567::INSTR'

address of instrument

keyoscacquire.config._waveform_format = 'WORD'

waveform format transferred from the oscilloscope to the computer WORD formatted data is transferred as 16-bit uint. BYTE formatted data is transferred as 8-bit uint. ASCii formatted data converts the internal integer data values to real Y-axis values. Values are transferred as ASCii digits in floating point notation, separated by commas.