Source code for keyoscacquire.fileio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides functions for saving traces to ``npy`` format files
(see :mod:`numpy.lib.format`) or ascii files. The latter is slower but permits
a header with metadata for the measurement, see :func:`Oscilloscope.generate_file_header`
which is used when saving directly from the ``Oscilloscope`` class.

import os
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import keyoscacquire.config as config

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Keysight colour map for the channels
_SCREEN_COLORS = {1:'C1', 2:'C2', 3:'C0', 4:'C3'}

def check_file(fname, ext=config._filetype, num=""):
    """Checking if file ``fname+num+ext`` exists. If it does, the user is
    prompted for a string to append to fname until a unique fname is found.

    fname : str
        Base filename to test
    ext : str, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._filetype`
        File extension
    num : str, default ""
        Filename suffix that is tested for, but the appended part to the fname
        will be placed before it,and the suffix will not be part of the
        returned fname

    fname : str
        New fname base
    while os.path.exists(fname+num+ext):
        append = input(f"File '{fname+num+ext}' exists! Append to filename '{fname}' before saving: ")
        fname += append
    return fname

## Trace plotting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##

[docs]def plot_trace(time, y, channels, fname="", showplot=config._show_plot, savepng=config._export_png): """Plots the trace with oscilloscope channel screen colours according to the Keysight colourmap and saves as a png. .. Caution:: No filename check for the saved plot, can overwrite existing png files. Parameters ---------- time : ~numpy.ndarray Time axis for the measurement y : ~numpy.ndarray Voltage values, same sequence as channel_nums channels : list of ints list of the channels obtained, example [1, 3] fname : str, default ``""`` Filename of possible exported png show : bool, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._show_plot` True shows the plot (must be closed before the programme proceeds) savepng : bool, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._export_png` ``True`` exports the plot to ``fname``.png """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, vals in enumerate(np.transpose(y)): # for each channel ax.plot(time, vals, color=_SCREEN_COLORS[channels[i]]) if savepng: fig.savefig(fname+".png", bbox_inches='tight') if showplot: plt.close(fig)
## Trace saving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
[docs]def save_trace(fname, time, y, fileheader="", ext=config._filetype, print_filename=True, nowarn=False): """Saves the trace with time values and y values to file. Current date and time is automatically added to the header. Saving to numpy format with :func:`save_trace_npy()` is faster, but does not include metadata and header. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of trace time : ~numpy.ndarray Time axis for the measurement y : ~numpy.ndarray Voltage values, same sequence as channel_nums fileheader : str, default ``""`` Header of file, use for instance :meth:`Oscilloscope.generate_file_header` ext : str, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._filetype` Choose the filetype of the saved trace print_filename : bool, default ``True`` ``True`` prints the filename it is saved to Raises ------ RuntimeError If the file already exists """ if os.path.exists(fname+ext): raise RuntimeError(f"{fname+ext} already exists") if print_filename: print(f"Saving trace to: {fname+ext}\n") data = np.append(time, y, axis=1) # make one array with columns x y1 y2 .. if ext == ".npy": if fileheader and not nowarn: _log.warning(f"(!) WARNING: The file header\n\n{fileheader}\n\nis not saved as file format npy is chosen. " "\nTo suppress this warning, use the nowarn flag.")".npy", data) else: np.savetxt(fname+ext, data, delimiter=",", header=fileheader)
def save_trace_npy(fname, time, y, print_filename=True, **kwargs): """Saves the trace with time values and y values to npy file. .. note:: Saving to numpy files is faster than to ascii format files (:func:`save_trace`), but no file header is added. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to save to time : ~numpy.ndarray Time axis for the measurement y : ~numpy.ndarray Voltage values, same sequence as channel_nums print_filename : bool, default ``True`` ``True`` prints the filename it is saved to """ save_trace(fname, time, y, ext=".npy", nowarn=True, print_filename=print_filename) ## Trace loading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
[docs]def load_trace(fname, ext=config._filetype, column_names='auto', skip_lines='auto', return_as_df=True): """Load a trace saved with keyoscacquire.oscilloscope.save_file() What is returned depends on the format of the file (.npy files contain no headers), and if a dataframe format is chosen for the return. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of trace, with or without extension ext : str, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._filetype` The filetype of the saved trace (with the period, e.g. '.csv') skip_lines : ``{'auto' or int}``, default ``'auto'`` Number of lines from the top of the files to skip before parsing as dataframe. Essentially the ``pandas.read_csv()`` ``skiprows`` argument. ``'auto'`` will count the number of lines starting with ``'#'`` and skip these lines column_names : ``{'auto', 'header', 'first line of data', or list-like}``, default ``'auto'`` Only useful if using with ``return_df=True``: * ``'header'``: Infer df column names from the last line of the header (expecting '# <comma separated column headers>' as the last line of the header) * ``'first line of data'``: Will use the first line that is parsed as names, i.e. the first line after ``skip_lines`` lines in the file * ``'auto'``: Equivalent to ``'header'`` if there is more than zero lines of header, otherwise ``'first line of data'`` * list-like: Specify the column names manually return_as_df : bool, default True If the loaded trace is not a .npy file, decide to return the data as a Pandas dataframe if ``True``, or as an ndarray otherwise Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.Dataframe` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` If ``return_as_df`` is ``True`` and the filetype is not ``.npy``, a Pandas dataframe is returned. Otherwise ndarray. The first column is time, then each column is a channel. header : list or ``None`` If ``.npy``, ``None`` is returned. Otherwise, a list of the lines at the beginning of the file starting with ``'#'``, stripped off ``'# '`` is returned """ # Remove extenstion if provided in the fname if fname[-4:] in ['.npy', '.csv']: ext = fname[-4:] fname = fname[:-4] # Format dependent if ext == '.npy': return np.load(fname+ext), None return _load_trace_with_header(fname, ext, column_names=column_names, skip_lines=skip_lines, return_as_df=return_as_df)
def _load_trace_with_header(fname, ext, skip_lines='auto', column_names='auto', return_as_df=True): """Read a trace file that has a header (i.e. not ``.npy`` files). See parameter description for :func:`load_trace()`. Returns ------- data : :class:`~pandas.Dataframe` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Pandas dataframe if ``return_as_df`` is ``True``, ndarray otherwise header : list Lines at the beginning of the file starting with ``'#'``, stripped off ``'# '`` """ # Load header header = load_header(fname, ext) # Handle skipping and column names based on the header file if skip_lines == 'auto': skip_lines = len(header) if column_names == 'auto': # Use the header if it is not empty if len(header) > 0: column_names = 'header' else: column_names = 'first line of data' if column_names == 'header': column_names = header[-1].split(",") elif column_names =='first line of data': column_names = None # Load the file df = pd.read_csv(fname+ext, delimiter=",", skiprows=skip_lines, names=column_names) # Return df or array if return_as_df: return df, header return np.array([df[col].values for col in df.columns]), header
[docs]def load_header(fname, ext=config._filetype): """Open a trace file and get the header Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of trace, with or without extension ext : str, default :data:`~keyoscacquire.config._filetype` The filetype of the saved trace (with the period, e.g. ``'.csv'``) Returns ------- header : list Lines at the beginning of the file starting with ``'#'``, stripped off ``'# '`` """ if fname[-4:] in ['.csv']: ext = fname[-4:] fname = fname[:-4] header = [] with open(fname+ext) as f: for line in f: # A few tens of us slower than a 'while True: readline()' approach # Check if part of the header if line[0] == '#': # Add the line without the initial '# ' to the header header.append(line.strip()[2:]) else: break return header